Meet our 2020 Foreword INDIES Award Finalists

Lanternfish Press is thrilled to announce our four titles selected as finalists in the Foreword INDIES Awards, hosted by Foreword Reviews.

The Anatomist’s Tale

Historical (Adult Fiction) finalist

Tauno Biltsted’s May 2020 debut novel follows the narrative of a man imprisoned in Marshalsea as he describes the events that led to his fate.

Ship of Fates

Fantasy (Adult Fiction) Finalist

Caitlin Chung’s stunning novella is a historical fantasy set across the backdrop of Gold Rush-era San Francisco as women descended from the same family struggle with a curse passed down through generations.


Medusa’s Daughters

Anthologies Finalist

Theodora Goss selects short fiction and poems engaging with the fantastic during the fin-de-siècle in this Clockwork Editions collection, complete with Goss’s introduction and academic footnotes.

Elegy for the Undead

LGBTQ+ (Adult Fiction) Finalist

Matthew Vesely’s debut novella examines the relationship between two young husbands as one slowly succumbs to a zombie virus.

The final award winners will be announced June 17, 2021.